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Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks

The Scout Association Disclosure Application

This must be completed by all adults (over 18s) who are likely to have unsupervised access to our young members. This includes those attending camps, regular helpers on meeting nights in the halls or activities away from St. Michael's and of course our leaders and group officers. Normally the role of a parent is referred to as - Occasional Helper.

We cannot accept disclosures from any other organisation.


Once a disclosure is received via the Scout Association it will not need to be renewed for five years.

Our Group Scout Leader, Conway Tearle has a supply of forms, or it can be downloaded by clicking here and he can help you to complete one. Please speak to him if you want to be DBS checked or you have any other queries. There is no charge for this.

P.S. - it is not necessary to print the first page.

Completing the ‘Adult Information Form’

Follow the instructions. (Compulsory questions are shaded yellow in the blue form or have an * if the printed version.)


  • Surname  - If your current surname does not match some of your documents then you will not be able to use those documents!

  • Forenames  - Please remember to put all of these

  • Role applied for  - Occasional helper

  • Date of starting Scouting  - Today's date

  • Group  - 40th Greenwich (St. Michael & All Angels)

  • References are not needed if the role is to be Occasional Helper.

  • Answer the questions on the back page, then sign and date.

You must then return the form to Conway, who will enter the details onto the Scout Association's database - Compass.

You will then be sent an email from the DBS online system 'Atlantic' with a personal password, with this you can then complete the DBS application. Conway will need to verify the documents so this final part is simplest, if done online together.

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