How is the Group Administered ?
The Group is administered by a Group Trustee Board which typically meets three time a year. Day to day planning of section meetings is organised by the sections themselves with termly Group Scout Leaders meetings to co-ordinate group activities as a whole.
Group Trustee Board
The Group Trustee Board exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of the appointment and is responsible for:
the raising of funds and the administration of Group finance;
the insurance of persons, property and equipment;
Group public occasions;
arranging accommodation and assisting to find camping grounds;
assisting in the recruitment of Leaders and other adult support;
appointing any sub-Committees that may be required;
appointing Group Administrators and Advisers other than those who are elected.
A typical meeting agenda is:
Apologies for absences
Minutes of last meeting
Matters arising
Lead Volunteer's Report
Treasurer's Report
Fund Raising Report
Health and Safety Review
Any Other Business
A list of the Trustees can be found under
Group Scout Leaders Meeting
This meeting is open to all section leaders, helpers and young leaders.
It is chaired by the Group Scout Leader and co-ordinates all group activities such as young people moving between sections, group camps, church parades, outings etc.
A typical meeting agenda is:
Welcome and apologies
Minutes of last meeting
Matters Arising
Past Events
Moving On
Future Events
Any Other Business
How do we raise funds and pay our way ?
The Group needs to raise funds of around £XX,000 per year to cover general running costs and provide for new equipment.
The Group is financed in two ways:
membership fees
fund raising
Membership Fees
Each member is asked to pay membership fees and this is collected termly.
We run a gift aid scheme for the payment of fees, which allows the Group as a charity to recover the tax paid by the members' parents. All parents need to do is say 'yes' to the gift aid in OSM Primary Contact 1 and / or Primary Contact 2.
Full details on membership fees can be found
Fund Raising
The Scout Group operates a number of schemes. The major schemes are:
Assisting shoppers to bag their shopping during the busy Christmas period. ASDA in Charlton has been a regular support of this fund raising service.
Corporate Donations
Annual General Meeting (AGM) / Annual Report
An AGM is held each year which any one can attend - Group Trustee members, leaders, helpers, cubs, beavers, scouts, parents, members of the public etc.
This meeting ratifies the accounts and presents the achievements of the last year as well as electing a new Group Trustee Board. Copies are available this website.
The AGM is typically held on the last week of June and the date is published in the group calendar.
Further details and minutes/reports can be found
Annual Census
The Scout Association complete a census annually on 31 Jan each year. This is used to calculate our membership fees to HQ, County and District and includes insurance for each member.